Friday, December 19, 2008

It's Friday... and, yes, rain...

Oy, yesterday did not quite go as planned. I opted not to touch the wood working, as I'd pulled a muscle in my back trying to get my neck to relax. Yeah. It was a bad afternoon. And now, I'm a bit achy. And I need not to be. But, I shall persevere. I think...

I sat down to work on knitting in my comfy recliner with a rice-filled heating pad thingie to help the neck, and, I was out like a light. Slept for an hour. I totally needed that nap in a physical sense, but I totally needed to knit for that hour in a project-production sense. Oh, well. Spilt milk, water under the bridge and all that. It was marvelous waking up and finding the cat, Bertimus Maximus, on my lap. I vaguely remember him being there when I started to feel the click coming on. And I woke up with a very warm and toasty lap.

My neck feels absolutely fine this morning. That pulled muscle? Not so much.

What did I get done? Well, I put the finishing touches on some beaded banners that I've been considering done, but weren't really - 15 minutes of work left was close enough in the Grand Scheme, but it was still not officially done. Now, officially, they are done, done, done.

I needed a little brainless-ness, so I worked on making sure I have boxes for everything. Oops. I don't! Well, I have boxes, but they're going to be too small. Just one box shy. I might have something that will work, but it certainly isn't the standard size. Of course, I could shoot for a wacky package - maybe a big tube? I need to figure out something for the cardigan that's not done yet...

And I got much closer to the toe on the Earl Grey. Very close. I probably would have gotten closer if I hadn't watched television while knitting. But, hey, I kinda needed some Christmas specials/movies, eh!!

How do I feel about this weekend? I feel like it's going to hurt. A lot. I feel like I'm going to need to take the muscle relaxants. And I feel like I won't get everything done. I may feel better about this after tonight. If I can get the sanding done tonight, then... well, that's the most physically abusive thing I have left. It would be so nice if it was done. So nice. Did I mention that I'd done the math, and I can stain and poly everything on one day? I was worried that I made a mistake (who, me?), so I double-checked the directioins. Between stain and poly, I need 8 hours, and I had computed with 4 hours (between coats). Panic!! Terror!! Recalculate... Oh, goodie!! If I start at 7am, I can still get it all done in one day. I'm not going to run the humidifier, so the house proper should be nicely capable of dessication. I'll bring the wood up tonight and hopefully the cats (cat, actually... Bert, specifically...) won't figure out how to open the door and get to all that nice unfinished wood that he likes to scratch so much. It's kind of nice that there's a whole bunch of waiting in finishing process. Working on wood will break up the knitting, but there's still a bunch of time for knitting to get done!

Achy. Worried. Still mostly positive.

That's where I am....

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